ISO: Foster Mom

If these babies placed an ad in the classifieds it would read… “In search of a maternal, feathery mom who wouldn’t mind taking a few more babies under her wing, literally. Must be Canada Goose. Must have children the same size so I can play nice with new siblings. Preferred new home located on private pond.

We are looking for a home for two goslings. This Mother Goose would ideally be on private property and must have babies their age size/age. This will give them the best chance at life!

If you know if a mama goose that might be a good fit please call 541-476-0222 between 9:00 – 5:00 and ask to speak to our clinic team about placement.


With baby season in full swing, Wildlife Images’ Clinic is FULL! We recently admitted our 350th patient! Many of these wild animals are babies who were orphaned. We have rodent babies, baby skunks, baby raccoons, and baby birds – so… many… babies! Some of the bird species have to be fed every 15 minutes. It’s a lot of work and keeps our staff very busy. We do get some help from a couple of hard workers! Several species will accept babies who are not their own. A few will even accept babies who aren’t the same species! This is a life saver, literally!

Not only do these Mega Moms provide food and comfort for the babies but they also teach them things that we cannot.

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