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American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Animal Ambassadors

Walter Corville

Crows are a member of the corvid family, along with ravens, jays, magpies, and rooks. American crows can be seen throughout urban and rural areas as these highly adaptable birds have done very well cohabitating areas with humans. American crows are highly social birds, more often seen in groups than alone. In addition to roosting and foraging in numbers, crows often stay together in year-round family groups that consist of breeding pairs and offspring from the past two years. The whole family cooperates to raise their young. Winter roosts of American crows sometimes number in the hundreds of thousands. Often admired for their intelligence, American crows can work together, devise solutions to problems, and recognize unusual sources of food. Some people regard this resourcefulness and sociality as an annoyance when it leads to large flocks around dumpsters, landfills, and roosting sites; others are fascinated by it. American crows work together to harass or drive off predators, a behavior known as ‘mobbing’. When they are in a group, they are referred to as a “murder.”

Omnivorous. Crows will eat fruits, vegetation and all manner of animals. They are often scavengers but will seek out insects, small mammals, reptiles, and eggs.
Across the United States and up into Canada Habitat
7 - 8 years / Up to 30 years
Great generalists, from forests to deserts, parks, etc.
Length / Wingspan:
3 Feet
Up to 1 lb