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Bennett’s Wallaby

Macropus rufogriseus

Animal Ambassadors

Kunanyi & Togari

The Bennett’s wallaby typically has tawny gray fur, with a white belly and chest, and dark paws. They are also called the Red-necked wallaby for the reddish fur on the back of their neck and shoulders.

Baby wallabies, called joeys, are born the size of a jellybean and crawl their way into their mother’s pouch, where they will continue to develop. They stay in the pouch for around nine months, and will continue to live with their mother and suckle for an additional three to nine months. Female Bennett’s wallabies are considered mature at 14 months, and males around 19 months.

Wallabies are part of a subset of marsupials called macropods. Characteristics of macropods include long back feet, a sturdy tapered tail to help them balance, underdeveloped vocal cords, and a forward-facing pouch for their young. Other macropods include some (but not all) other wallaby species, kangaroos, and wallaroos.

One of the most recognizable traits of macropods is their unique movement. Best known for hopping, these animals can also crawl and swim. Hopping is their fastest method of locomotion, at up to 9 miles per hour; however, because of the shape of their feet and tail, they cannot hop backwards.

Grasses and herbs, roots, vegetables
Australia and Tasmania
10-15 years
Eucalyptus forests and open areas with nearby tree shelter
Length / Wingspan:
3 feet
30-40 lbs