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Corn Snake

Pantherophis guttatus

Animal Ambassadors


Corn snakes bear a superficial resemblance to venomous copperheads and are often killed when misidentified. This is especially unfortunate because corn snakes are harmless to humans and actually help manage rodent populations, reducing crop damage and disease spread. Corn snakes rely primarily on odor to locate prey, although visual cues are also used. When threatened, corn snakes will vibrate the tips of their tails; it’s thought that this helps deter potential predators by mimicking the sound of a rattlesnake. Corn snakes are popular pets, as they bite only as a last resort and tend to have calm temperaments.

Rodents, nestlings, bird eggs
Southeastern and central U.S
6-8 years / 10-20 years
Grasslands, fields, open forests
Length / Wingspan:
4-5.5 ft