This wide-ranging fox is found from southern Canada to the northern portion of South
America, making it the only canid native to both North and South America. Additionally,
they’re one of the few canids that are adept climbers! Gray foxes have long legs and sharp,
curved claws. These allow them to easily scale smooth, branchless trunks up to 18 feet tall.
They are also able to leap from branch to branch with great dexterity. This is important
because gray foxes are dependent on trees for both food and shelter. Gray foxes frequently
prey upon bird nests, but they also hide from larger predators like dogs or coyotes by darting
up a tree. Additionally, these canids often nest in tree hollows high off the ground. Gray
foxes are more dominant than red foxes, but red foxes are more adaptable to human
urbanization. In Oregon, gray foxes are far more common; red foxes are only found in a few
high-elevation areas of the state.
Gray Fox
Urocyon cinereoargenteus

Animal Ambassadors
Highly omnivorous: small mammals, birds, insects, fruit, vegetation
Highly omnivorous: small mammals, birds, insects, fruit, vegetation
Southern Canada to Venezuela & Colombia
Southern Canada to Venezuela & Colombia
6-8 years / 8-15 years
6-8 years / 8-15 years
Highly varied, preferring deciduous forest with lots of cover
Highly varied, preferring deciduous forest with lots of cover
Length / Wingspan:
3.5 feet
3.5 feet
4-15 lbs
4-15 lbs