It’s been brought to our attention that our phone lines aren't working properly to get through to our clinic. If you have an injured animal, you can call our clinic line directly at: 541-441-7193. We’re working to resolve the issue ASAP. Thanks for your patience.

Debbie Thomason of Galice Resort Named Our New Ambassador

In July of 2024, Debbie Thomason of Galice Resort generously won our auction to name our new baby grizzly bear. The story behind the name Debbie chose for our new baby is just as touching as our new ambassador’s rescue story. Hear the story from Debbie herself in this video.

We want to thank Debbie for her generosity and for giving our new ambassador the perfect name along with a great start to his new life!




Our New Ambassador is Here!

Our New Ambassador is Here!

At Saving Wildlife 2024, we were excited to announce a new ambassador was on his way to Wildlife Images. He has arrived at Wildlife...