It’s been brought to our attention that our phone lines aren't working properly to get through to our clinic. If you have an injured animal, you can call our clinic line directly at: 541-441-7193. We’re working to resolve the issue ASAP. Thanks for your patience.

Honoring Judy Siddon

September 9th is a special day at Wildlife Images. It is the day Judy Siddon was born. Judy was the wife of J. David Siddon, and she played a key role in the founding of Wildlife Images. Judy’s work has lived on through the impact she made as a mother and grandmother. Her son, Dave Siddon, and her grandchildren, Justin and Riley Siddon, continue to carry on the legacy she built with J David Siddon today.

Judy Siddon was born September 9, 1935 in Carthage Missouri to Oliver and Beulah Combs. The family moved to Southern California in the late 30s where she grew up with her 6 siblings. She married her husband J. David Siddon in 1954. She, her husband, and daughter moved to Grants Pass in 1974. Soon after moving to Grants Pass they founded Wildlife Images Rehabilitation and Education Center on Lower River road where she served on the board of directors until her death. Judy also worked for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in Central Point for 15 years as the office manager. In 1995 she was given the S.O.L.V. award by the Governor of Oregon for creating Oregon’s Adopt a River Program. She also organized an annual river clean up with the Steelheaders for many years. Her husband of 42 years passed away in 1996. She spent most of her life trying to ensure Oregon’s wildlife would have a safe place to live.

The article below provides a glimpse into the life of Judy Siddon and the great impact she made during her lifetime. Judy was a shining light in the world, and she remains a wonderful role model for anyone who aspires to make a difference in the lives of animals.

Injured Animals, Birds, find a place to recover


Meet Phantom & Fury the Bald Eagles

Meet Phantom & Fury the Bald Eagles

Meet Phantom and Fury, the bald eagles named in honor of Sergeant Marty Gonzalez and everyone who served in the second battle of Fallujah,...