We are very excited about the release of a beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk that came to Wildlife Images during our Annual Gala, Saving Wildlife. Fortunately, our animal care team was here at the time. They were escorting animal ambassadors to mingle with everyone who attended the event.
Animal Rehabbers in Action
When the hawk arrived, these wildlife rehabbers jumped into action, wearing their gala attire. Our Animal Care Manager, Kara DeShazo, explains the hawk was weak and emaciated upon arrival, and the team was not sure the bird would pull through.
Thanks to the kind humans who brought the hawk to Wildlife Images, our expert team provided life-saving care and the hawk was ready for release just a couple of weeks after arriving.
Perfect Timing for Release
The red-tailed hawk was ready for release at the perfect time to include some special guests. The release was scheduled the day after Lemonade Day, an annual event offered by the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce. We invited the young entrepreneurs who shared a portion of their lemonade stand profits with Wildlife Images. It was so exciting to have their help!
After our team set the hawk free, it took some time for the healed patient to fly away. Kara provided some extra coaxing and our guests gave the bird some encouraging words. It was a beautiful moment, as the red-tailed hawk flew off to a new life, and one of our guests exclaimed, “The world is now your home!”
The young entrepreneurs presented their donation to our team after the release. Thank you to our animal care team for the heart and soul you put into rehabilitating our local Wildlife and to our future leaders for raising money to help. What a perfect moment of synergy it was.
We hope you enjoy watching the video of the release!