Meet Yak!

Our new bear, Gilbert, has been all the talk recently but we can’t forget about our old girl, Yak!

Yak is our Alaskan brown bear who came to Wildlife Images with her brother Kodi in 1992 after they were orphaned. Kodi sadly passed away two years ago from old age at 31 years old.

Brown bears stay with their mothers for 3 years so being orphaned at such a young age, Yak and Kodi would not have survived in the wild without their mother.

Yak will be 34 years old this January! She is our oldest mammal ambassador that we have here at Wildlife Images. In the wild, brown bears live usually into their mid-teens but under human care, their lifespan is 25-30 years! The lifespans of animals under human care usually double due to the fact that they have endless snacks, free healthcare, and no predators.

Even though she’s a senior, Yak loves to swim in her pool, nap in the holes she’s dug around her enclosure, and scratch her back on all the trees!

Our new bear, Gilbert, is not on display yet because his habitat is being constructed but you can always come see Yak!


Meet Phantom & Fury the Bald Eagles

Meet Phantom & Fury the Bald Eagles

Meet Phantom and Fury, the bald eagles named in honor of Sergeant Marty Gonzalez and everyone who served in the second battle of Fallujah,...