Now that the weather has cooled off a bit, our animal care team was able to move forward with an important project on their to do list: replacing the gravel in the mews!
What is a Mew?
You might be wondering what the heck a mew is. Mew is a word to describe a raptor enclosure. We have 12 of them at Wildlife Images. Each mew has a concreate floor with gravel on top. You can imagine how important it is to keep the concrete and the gravel clean for the health of our raptors!
Mews Gravel Replacement Project
During the past couple of weeks, our entire animal care team has been working together with our interns and volunteers to replace the gravel in all of our mews.
Katherine (pictured above) from animal services explained the team is removing the old gravel that is the ground cover for all the birds that live in the birds of prey (BOP) barn. They are cleaning and disinfecting the concrete underneath, and then filling the mews with new clean gravel that is 3-4 inches deep. This was done to ensure our mews were completely clean underneath the gravel and to ensure the proper depth of gravel for future cleaning. The team also cleaned each bird’s perching, before finishing the project, to ensure good foot health.
Thanks to Our Amazing Team!
Thank you to all the staff, interns, and volunteers who have worked so hard on this project. They have completed 8 mews so far, and have 4 left to finish!
Make a Donation
These projects are costly, but necessary for our beautiful bird population at the park. If you would like to help fund this project please click the link below.
We are so very grateful for any dollar amount you are generously willing to contribute.