It’s been brought to our attention that our phone lines aren't working properly to get through to our clinic. If you have an injured animal, you can call our clinic line directly at: 541-441-7193. We’re working to resolve the issue ASAP. Thanks for your patience.

Our New Ambassador is Here!

At Saving Wildlife 2024, we were excited to announce a new ambassador was on his way to Wildlife Images. He has arrived at Wildlife Images, and it is almost time to release him into his new enclosure where park visitors can view him.

Before officially introducing him, we wanted to have a little fun with letting our followers guess what type of animal he is on social media, so we posted photos of his actual footprints.

Most guessed our new ambassador is a bear, and some expressed they hope to see another grizzly at Wildlife Images. Yet, others threw out the possibility that Big Foot had arrived! We had a lot of fun guessing! Just click the post below to view the conversation! 

The Official Announcement From Saving Wildlife 2024


Meet Phantom & Fury the Bald Eagles

Meet Phantom & Fury the Bald Eagles

Meet Phantom and Fury, the bald eagles named in honor of Sergeant Marty Gonzalez and everyone who served in the second battle of Fallujah,...