It’s always exciting to release clinic patients back into their natural habitat. We usually release them where they were found. Sometimes this involves taking a trip. Other times, we are able to release them nearby.
This week was especially fun for everyone on campus. We had two birds who were ready to be released: a Cooper’s Hawk and a black-headed grosbeak.
Cooper’s Hawk Release
We transported the Cooper’s Hawk to the large open field where originally located. It took a few minutes for this one to leave, though. After walking around for a bit, the stealthy hawk flew off into the sunset.
Black-Headed Grosbeak Release
The black-headed grosbeak was released on campus. This was definitely a job for the Camp EEK Critter Crew to help out with! This release wasn’t quite as smooth. The little grosbeak flew straight towards the Critter Crew before flying off to a new life. It makes for an entertaining video, though.
It was so satisfying to see both these birds take off to their new lives this week! This is why we do what we do.